Quicklinks are used to add information at the top of the results page when particular search terms or phrases are used. They are particularly useful for focussing on targetted information that otherwise will be absorbed in search results. For instance in the 'whole University' search, when the term "b&b" is used as a search term, a quicklink comes up at the top of the search results, as follows:
Externally visible in this quicklink there is a description or summary and a link to http://www.universityrooms.com/en/city/cambridge/home, a central resource for finding bed and breakfast accommodation in all colleges.
In order to edit existing quicklinks or add new ones please email search-support@uis.cam.ac.uk
The summary field can only contain a maximum of 50 words. It can include html mark-up, primarily so appropriate links can be included. Please do not include any additional styling.
In addition to the keyword we used, other additional phrases can be added, any of which evoke this quicklink. You need to think quite carefully about what terms people might use to search when you are adding these words or phrases - quicklinks only work effectively if appropriate ones appear, otherwise users will disregard them.
Note: If quicklinks are erroneous or inappropriate, or where there is a University-wide consideration, University Information Services reserves the right to refuse them or remove existing ones.
Before you think of adding any quicklinks you should try a search with some of the terms you are thinking of as keywords to see what results are returned. It could be that the results are good enough that a quicklink isn't needed.
Last updated: April 2021