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This information is also available in the Card System under the Data Exports menu in the left navigation.
About the Card Client API
The Card Client generates .CSV files of Card data based on Lookup Institutions, Lookup Groups, CamSIS institutions and lists of CRSids or USNs. You should use this if you need to export data from the Card System. The API provides significant advantages:
- Highly configurable: you can specify the scope and format of the exported data.
- Schedule exports: keep your data up-to-date by scheduling exports to run regularly.
- Share Card data: the .CSV exports can be used to feed data directly into other systems, for example, to populate your access systems and identity databases.
How to set up the Card Client API
The Card Client is a command-line tool. It takes a little effort to install and configure. To help with the installation process the video above walks through the set-up process. You need to have Git installed on your computer before you can configure the Card Client.
Help and support
Your local IT staff may be able to assist you. The University Card team are also available to help you. Please contact them at: