We provide a variety of wired, wireless and other network services for use by staff, students and institutions around the University – including the Administrative Computing Network (ACN), the University Data Network (UDN) and the Granta Backbone Network (GBN).
Getting connected
Staff and students can connect to the UDN using wired and wireless connections. For help with wired connections, please contact your local College or Department IT support staff. Details on how to connect to our wireless services are available here. You can also gain remote access to many online resources while you're away from the University.
Network status
The status of network services can be seen in several places:
- The UIS IT Service Status page provides information on our key IT services. You can also call 01223 767999 and listen to an automated recording, or sign up to receive SMS, email or pager notifications when a service status changes via our subscription page.
- You can follow @UniCamIT on Twitter for advance notice of planned engineering service downtime or updates about any service disruption.
- UDN host status shows the status of parts of the UDN and some networks accessible from it. The information is primariliy aimed at IT staff.
- UDN traffic graphs shows traffic levels on various links on the UDN, including PoPs and Janet links.
- Jisc's netsight network monitoring service shows the status of the University's ISP, Janet.
Please note that there are vulnerable periods that are used for essential maintenance and development work of network infrastructure, during which services may be interrupted. These are detailed in our service hours.
Reporting a network fault
Staff and students: Please contact your local IT staff in your Department or College for advice if you are experiencing difficulties with network connectivity. If they're not available, then please contact the UIS Service Desk.
IT support staff: Please contact the UIS Service Desk if you identify a fault with a UIS network service.
Find out more about our services
Security services Other network services