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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

Please log in with your University of Cambridge account (formerly Raven) to view any of our service information pages.


IT Service Status system

Live status information for a range of IT services. Sign up to receive SMS or email status alerts.


Service status reports

Reports based on data from the IT Service Status system.


Vulnerable periods

Schedule of vulnerable periods, during which services may be interrupted for maintenance or other dedicated work.


Major IT incident reports

Reports on major IT incidents that affected the University, to ensure that users are aware of what has happened and what remedial action is planned.


System changes

Weekly plans for any maintenance changes to the University's IT systems.


Decommissioning process

The process for decommissioning UIS services or systems.


Infrastructure Services: service support and key performance indicators (KPIs)

An overview of Infrastructure Services support including the incident management process, KPIs and how performance reporting will be shared


Joint Infrastructure Group IT standards

The Joint Infrastructure Group brings staff from UIS together with technical representatives from the Schools and Colleges to agree shared standards and ways of working