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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

System tree configuration and access

Each institution will have its own section of the ePO system tree that is only viewable to Desktop Services/Windows Support. Access will be provided for institutional support staff to access and manage their own systems and policies within their section of the system tree only.  Some objects created within ePO (such as reports) are viewable by all users of this service but only the institution who created the object will be able to use it. User ID and password for access is available from .


Tags are used to enable system sorting within the System Tree.  These tags are created for an institution so only their systems are placed in their part of the system tree.  It is possible to tag your systems with a tag for another institution.  Doing so will move your systems into a part of the system tree you cannot access, so do not do this.  If a system does end up in your part of the system tree by accident please email  and they will move it to the correct part of the system tree.

Naming conventions

Your area of the system tree will be based on your Computer/Domain name. E.g. systems that are in an AD called will have a group called ad-csi in which all systems will reside.

When systems are added to the system tree they will be automatically tagged and sorted based on your domain name.  This ensures that your systems end up in your part of the ePO system tree.

System tree sorting and domain/workgroup naming

Systems are typically sorted based on the DNS and/or Domain name.  In the case of systems which connect via eduroam it is essential that the Workgroup is set to be the same as your DNS Domain component. E.g. for the department of History (Hist) add any systems into a workgroup called Hist.