Known issues
Visibility of projects
We're aware that sometimes you might not have visibility of all of your projects. This is usually fixed after the overnight data refresh from CUFS.
While you're waiting for the refresh, you could use one of these alternative tools:
Graphical output performance
We're aware there are cases where the graphical outputs within the system fail to load. Please let us know if this affects you at any point.
Accuracy of data
The RGEA currently has limited support and we are aware that there are at times issues with the data. Unfortunately, there is not currently a resource prioritised for resolving these issues, and the source system (CUFS) should be used where there is a clear difference in the data.
If you have any questions, please contact the Research Systems team.
The Research Grant Expenditure application has been developed by UIS to provide PIs (and their delegates) and Departmental Administrators with instant access to research grant budget, expenditure, commitment and remaining balance information via a simple-to-use web interface.
Key features and benefits include:
- Secured by you University account (formerly called Raven) and easily accessible
- Users automatically presented with a summary of their awards and projects
- Allows manual commitments (e.g. for staff costs or equipment ) to be added
- Simple drill-down from award and project level all the way down to individual expenditure items
- Early identification of potential underspend or overspend
- Forecasts expenditure to the end of the grant
- Multiple graphical outputs available
- Data refreshed from CUFS overnight
- Highly flexible delegations capability
Access to the system is not automatic and is only provided on request. If you wish to access this application, please contact your administrator and ask them to complete the Access Request Form.
To find out more, or to request a demonstration, please contact Research_Expenditure_Support@admin.cam.ac.uk.