A local administrator checks Lookup to see if the person already has a CRSid. They then completes the UIS Pre-arrival Registration form ('pre-reg') either to request a new user account, or to provide details of an internal transfer (start date/institution etc.).
The UIS User Admin team creates the user account and CRSid (if needed) or amends existing person's affiliation details.
[Overnight] The user's profile is created or amended in Lookup.
The Card Rep checks the users' Lookup profile:
Institutional affiliation(s) correct
Preferred name to appear on Card is set in the 'Display Name' field
(otherwise, the default = initial from the 'Preferred name' field + 'Surname')
If necessary, your local IT staff can update the Display Name in Lookup profiles for you.
The Card Rep uploads a photo that meets the identity photo policy and creates a new Card Request.
The Card Office reviews the photo.
If the photo is rejected, the Card Rep will be notified by email.
When the photo is approved, the Card request is flagged as 'Ready for printing' in the system.
[Next day] The Card is printed and put in the UMS (University Messenger Service).
[Next day] The UMS delivers the Card to the institution's default afddress (that is, the first address listed the institution's Lookup profile)