What is the pilot?
University Information Services (UIS) is participating in a pilot during the academic year 2023–24 to test the processes for applying the email address allocation and retention policy.
Who is taking part in the pilot?
The institutions taking part in the pilot are Downing and Selwyn Colleges and institutions that use the Clinical Schools Computing Service. Members of staff leaving these institutions will receive an email from UIS letting them know that access to their University of Cambridge email account will be removed on their departure from the University. They should let UIS know if they are not leaving, or if they wish to apply to retain their email account under the retention service.
Information for staff in pilot institutions
If you are leaving your institution, UIS will email you to give you one month’s notice before access to your University email account is removed.
If you are not leaving the institution, or if you are eligible to retain your email account (for example, because you hold an honorary or emeritus title or are a member of Regent House), please contact your local IT or admin/HR team. They can complete a form to request that the email account remains open.
To prepare for closure of the email account, follow the advice for leaving the University by clearing your accounts, moving files and removing any subscriptions to mailing lists.
If you need more time to make the necessary arrangements, you can request a short extension.
If you wish and are eligible, you can apply to retain your email account. Decisions on email retention will be taken by your Head of Institution or their nominated deputy.
If you wish to apply for the automatic mail forwarding service, please check your eligibility. Information on how to request this will be posted here shortly. UIS or local IT services will review applications for mail forwarding.
Retention services: eligibility and process
Retention of the email account
Individuals who will continue actively to contribute to the University’s mission may apply for complete retention of their original email address with email usage permissions mirroring those held prior to the end of the individual’s formal or contractual relationship.
The key determinant to eligibility is whether an individual is continuing to contribute to the University’s mission after leaving. Examples might be continuing to contribute to:
- institutional research culture – for example, by convening seminar series or collaborating on research with institutional colleagues
- outreach activities or activities with societal impact, such as open days and schools talks or public-facing events linked to the University
- an institutional learning environment – for example, through committee service and other similar activity in a College.
This is not a recommended option for current members of staff, members of Regent House, and those who hold an honorary or emeritus title, as these groups already qualify for an email account.
It's also not recommended where someone who has left is fulfilling an official role within the institution. For example, if an individual is contributing to a specified research project for a specified period of time, or filling an unpaid or stipendiary College office, or supervising students, then they would fall under the definition of staff or associates, and the institution should re-register that person as a member of staff or associate (temporarily if appropriate).
To request complete retention of your original email account because you will continue actively to contribute to the University’s mission, please complete a request form. This is renewable every 3 years.
Automatic mail forwarding
Individuals who are not normally eligible to retain their email address, either as a current member of staff or Regent House, or as a holder of an honorary or emeritus title, or under the retention service option above, may apply for automatic mail forwarding of University of Cambridge email to a private email address. This is available to individuals who will not continue to contribute actively to the University’s mission, but who need to retain their University of Cambridge email address for a specific purpose or reason that supports the University’s mission, including:
- to remain contactable at the email addresses provided on papers published while working at the University
- because not to do so would be detrimental in some other way to the fulfilment of the University’s mission.
Automatic mail forwarding will allow users to receive email, but they will not be able to send from the account. The sender will receive a notification that the individual has left the University.
This service is renewable every 3 years. There will be a 2-month transition period to enable transfer of files.
To request automatic mail forwarding, please send an email making this request with the reason it is needed, to emailallocation@admin.cam.ac.uk.
Pilot appeals process
During the pilot, unsuccessful applicants for the retention services may appeal on one or more of the following grounds:
- the process for determining the application to use the retention service was not correctly followed;
- there is additional evidence available which the applicant was for good reason unable to provide as part of their original application;
- the decision to refuse the request is unreasonable in all the circumstances.
The unsuccessful applicant should appeal in writing within 10 working days of receipt of the outcome notification. The appeal should be directed to the Chair of the Information Services Committee (‘ISC’) at isc@admin.cam.ac.uk and should set out the grounds of appeal.
The appeal will be considered by the ISC, which may appoint a panel to consider the facts of the case and may uphold or dismiss the appeal.