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Email verification

The email you have received from ' On Behalf Of UIS User Admin Mini ACP' advising you about the cancellation of your University email and IT account is genuine. It has been sent on behalf of University Information Services (UIS). You can read a copy of the email below.

Cancellation email

[The reminder email starts with this extra paragraph: This is a reminder that your University IT account is due to be cancelled at the end of the week. If you have already taken action, please ignore this email. If not, please read the instructions below.]

Take action or risk losing your email and files   

University Information Services (UIS) believes that your time as a student, visitor or member of staff at the University of Cambridge may be coming to an end. 

If you’re not leaving the University, please do not worry. We set automatic review dates on some University accounts, so you just need to let us know that you're staying. You can find more information below.

Your University account is due to be cancelled on [date]. 

Follow these 5 steps if you’re leaving the University 

  1. Clear your accounts and ensure you have download any files stored in Microsoft OneDrive. UIS does not retain your data indefinitely once you have left the University and your account is removed. If your colleagues still need access, move your files to shared folders or drives.
  2. Set up an automatic reply in the Outlook web app, including an alternative contact email address. The automatic reply will be sent to anyone from within the University for 30 days after your account is cancelled. You can set up an auto-reply with a new contact email address in Lookup for anyone emailing you from outside the University. This auto-reply will also be sent to anyone emailing you internally after 30 days.  
  3. Unsubscribe from any mailing lists on Sympa. You need to log in to Sympa and select ‘My lists’ to unsubscribe. 
  4. Set up self-service recovery via the UIS Password Management website at Password recovery allows you to reset your password if you forget it. This will be used for access to the University Lookup service, CamSIS and alumni services. 
  5. Notify your correspondents of your new email address. 

You can find more advice about leaving the University on the IT Help and Support website

Leaving students 

Leaving students are eligible for a range of alumni benefits, including an email account. You can migrate your University emails here. To check if you are eligible, read the alumni definition.  

If you have not already been contacted by the University Development and Alumni Relations office, you can find out more on the alumni website.

If you’re continuing at the University 

You may need to keep your account because: 

  • you are continuing as a member of staff or retaining a role within your institution (for example as emeritus/honorary or holding a different official role. Please ask your department or College IT or Admin Office to complete an online registration request for you. 
  • you are becoming a Cambridge student or continuing to another degree or course, without interruption. Please complete the online degree form.  
  • you are continuing to be a supervisor. Please ask the institution where you are supervising to send email confirmation to Confirmation can come from:
    • your Director of Studies
    • a Senior Tutor
    • a member of the Tutorial Office
    • a Graduate Administrator
    • a Course Administrator

As a user of the Clinical Schools Computer Service/As a member of Downing/Selwyn College you are eligible to take part in a pilot project to test the application of the University’s new email policy. The policy is one of a series of actions to increase the University’s cyber security protection, and it is aimed at ensuring that the University’s email accounts are provided to current members of the University and authorised users only.

 The pilot scheme allows departing members of staff who will continue actively to contribute to the University’s mission to apply to retain their email. Alternatively, departing members of staff can apply to have their emails forwarded automatically if they need to remain contactable at the email address published on their academic papers, or for another reason that similarly supports the University’s mission. Read more detail on the eligibility and process for these services and how to request them.

If you would like a short extension to give you more time to make arrangements for any of these options, please complete the online extension form.

If you have any questions, please reply to this email.  

If you’d like to check that this email is genuine, you can read a copy of it on our website.

Kind regards, 

User Administration 
University Information Services