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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

If you believe you may have a new virus, upload a sample to to see if any vendors are detecting it as malware.

If doesn't have any vendors detecting a file as malware, but you are suspicious of it, then send the file in a password protected zip file us at . Well send it to McAfee for analysis.

When sending a virus sample you should include as much of the following information as possible:

  • What symptoms cause you to think you have a virus
  • Whether any products find the virus
  • Any relevant system details (including number of affected systems)
  • Contact details
  • A list of the contents of the zip file you have submitted.

You should attach any files to the email in a password protected zip file (select encrypt file to password protect on latest version of Winzip, the password should be "infected" (no speechmarks, all lower-case).

Additional information and tools can be found at McAfee's website.

If you are having problems submitting your sample, contact us: .