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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

You can send your @cam mail to any valid email address. Note that if you choose to send your @cam mail to a system outside the University then you may experience problems getting help if something goes wrong. In particular, local staff are not able to offer the support that they can for mail delivered to a University system.

To view your current @cam arrangements

  • Go to your personal page on Lookup -
  • The Email address field is a public list of addresses for other people to contact you and normally includes your @cam address.
  • The @cam delivery address field specifies where messages sent to your @cam address will be delivered. If this field is missing then your @cam address is disabled.
  • The Leaving email address field specifies the address that will appear in change-of-address autoreplies after you have left. If this is missing then mail to your @cam address after it has been disabled or cancelled will trigger a normal delivery failure report ("bounce").
  • The Edit button allows you to change, add and remove these settings, as described below.

The @cam delivery address and Leaving email address are 'private attributes', visible only to you and the Lookup data administrators and changeable only by you.

To change your delivery arrangements

  • Go to your personal page on Lookup -
  • Select the Edit button towards the bottom of the page.
  • Scroll down to @cam delivery address
  • In the value field enter the desired email address. For example, if you want your mail delivered to your institutional account, type in your CRSid@[institution domain] (e.g. Make sure you enter the address correctly as Lookup does not check to see whether what you have entered is a valid address (i.e. it does not check to see that the address works).

To enable your change-of-address autoreply

  • Go to your personal page on Lookup -
  • Select the Edit button towards the bottom of the page.
  • Scroll down to Leaving email address.
  • Select the add button.
  • Enter the desired email address in the value field (for example alumni of the University with accounts may wish to use Make sure you enter the address correctly as Lookup does not check to see whether what you have entered is a valid address (i.e. it does not check to see that the address works).

Change-of-address autoreplies only take effect after your @cam address is disabled – either by you, or when your account is cancelled during the Account Cancellation Process.