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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

Instructions for downloading the accompanying course materials for IT training courses provided by UIS

Download supporting course materials

Instructor-led course files

Self-paced course files



How to download the files (Windows)

The instructions may vary slightly depending on your operating system or browser. Please Note! You have to be logged into this page through Raven or the download will fail.

  1. Click the corresponding link for the relevant course.
  2. A File Download box appears, click on Save (to extract later) or Run.
  3. In Internet Explorer, a Security Warning dialog box may appear stating that the publisher could not be verified; choose Run.
  4. Browse to change the target folder if you wish, otherwise click the Unzip button.
  5. When a message appears telling you that files have been unzipped successfully, click OK.
  6. Click Close. The exercise files are now stored in the specified location on your computer.


How to download the files (Mac)

  1. The exercise files are stored in a StuffIt file (.zip). When the link is clicked, the ZIP file will save to your Downloads folder (unless you specify another folder during the download process).
  2. Once downloaded, double-click the ZIP file icon to automatically uncompress the files, ready for use.