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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

Access to University and College buildings is managed using contactless access cards: 

University Cards ('UCAM Cards')

A personal identity card issued to students and staff of the University and its affiliates, visitors and collaborators

The UCAM Card (commonly known as a 'University Card') is a contactless identity and access card that provides the cardholder with: 

  • Access to buildings – your institution(s) are responsible for ensuring your card will grant access to the buildings you will need to use during your time at the University. 
  • Identification – the card identifies your association with the University. For students this is particularly important around exam time where you will need your card to gain entrance to your examinations. 
  • Library Services – your card acts as a library card for the University Library, and College and Department Libraries as applicable. 
  • Universal bus service – cardholders are entitled to a discounted rate on the Universal bus service. 
  • Additional Benefits – cardholders may be entitled to local discounts at businesses in and around Cambridge.
  • Other services – some institutions may also use cards to provide services such as EPOS. 

Your University Card will be issued on arrival at the University. If your card is not waiting for you, please contact your institution’s card representative. Students should contact their College Card Representative and staff should contact their Department’s Card Representative. 


Temporary Access Cards

These are generic access cards (shown below) issued on a short-term basis, such as for visitors or when a UCAM card has been lost or forgotten:


Card Representatives

Management of cards is co-ordinated via Card Representatives (Card Reps) in each institution. Any card requests or queries should be directed to the Card Representative for your institution who will then communicate with the Card Office as needed. See: list of institutional Card Representatives.

The Card Office is run by University Information Services (UIS) to provide and manage these cards on behalf of the University.