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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

Our centrally managed lecture capture service to support teaching and learning activities uses Panopto, an online video recording and hosting system. It is designed for educational use and integrates with Moodle.

You'll find policies and procedures, links to best practice materials and more via the menu bars below.



You can watch recordings of your lectures if your Department has chosen to provide these as part of your course. You'll be able to access them from the Panopto block on the right-hand side of the screen in Moodle.

Support Contacts 

For Lecture Capture or Panopto issues, please refer to the self-help guides above. Access to Panopto recordings is managed by your department. If you cannot access recordings, contact your course administrator. For other issues, please email the helpdesk.

Lecture Capture Helpdesk


Moodle Helpdesk



View Panopto status and support:


Further information for IT staff and institutions