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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

The University Managed Desktop (UMD) has now replaced the UAS / ACN desktop. We are migrating existing ACN users over to UMD devices.

The M: drive (i.e. the current home drive for ACN/UAS users) is gradually being retired in preparation for the phased introduction of the new University Managed Desktop (UMD) service.

The M: drive is not available in the AppsAnywhere (remote access) service. In order to access your personal files in AppsAnywhere, you must switch to using your University of Cambridge OneDrive personal file store instead of the M: drive.


How to switch from using the M drive to using OneDrive as your default personal file store

There are 2 steps to making the transition from M drive to One drive:


Step 1: Migrate your M: drive data to your personal OneDrive file store

You can choose to simply drag-and-drop your files to move them or to use a tool automate this for you. Either:


Step 2: If you want to use AppsAnywhere: set OneDrive as the default Documents folder on your UMD Desktop