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University Information Services

All University members are automatically enrolled in Google Workspace.

If you had a personal Google account registered under your @cam email address before enrolment began in May 2019, you'll need to choose a new, non-@cam email address for that account the next time you log in.

Find out more


Logging in to Google Workspace

You can access Google Workspace by logging-in to Google using your email address – for example, You shouldn't use your personal Google account or a College Google Suite account, such as

Google login screen

If you aren't logged in already, you'll be redirected to the University's account login page. Once you've logged in, you'll find the Workspace apps under the menu in the top left of your browser window:

G Suite app menu


Accessing Google files sent to you by other University members

If a University member shares a Google file – for example, a Google Doc or Sheet – using their University Google Workspace account, you'll need to be logged in to your University Google account to access it (see above).

If you're logged in to Google in a personal account or College Google Suite account (that is,, you'll need to switch accounts. Click on your account name at the bottom of the screen:

Google account switch 1


If your account is listed, then select it and log in with your University account (formerly called Raven). Otherwise, click 'Use another account' and log in to your account (see above).

Google account switch 2

Preventing yourself from getting locked out of your account

Some users have reported sign-in issues when using Google Workspace applications from home. This is because Google notes the location and device used for signing in and flags unusual usage for additional verification. This helps guard against unauthorised usage of Google Workspace services and access to sensitive information stored in files and documents.

Recovering a locked account

Users who find themselves locked out of Google Workspace applications with no way to verify their access can email to have the lock out lifted for a period of 10 minutes.

Protecting your account from lock-out

It is recommended that all users proactively take the following steps to enable themselves to verify sign ins if they are flagged as unusual:

The recommended method to secure your Google Workspace account against unauthorised use is to enable 2-Step Verification for your account. To do so:

  1. Sign in to using your email address.
    (You may find it easier to do this in a 'private browsing' or 'incognito' window if you already have a personal Google account.)
  2. Click the avatar circle in the top-right and click Manage your Google Account.
  3. Click Security from the left-hand menu.
  4. Click 2-Step Verification.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to choose your second factor. The most common choices are:
    • a mobile phone number to receive one-time-use SMS codes, and
    • backup codes which can be used if you lose access to your mobile phone.

More documentation is available on a dedicated Google support page.

Set up additional verification methods

Additionally, you can specify means to verify your account only when Google detects unusual activity. To do so:

  1. Sign in to using your email address.
  2. Click the avatar circle in the top-right and click Manage your Google Account.
  3. Click Security from the left-hand menu.
  4. Under Ways that we can verify that it’s you, set an email address which one-time use recovery codes are emailed to. Google will only use this email address when verifying your account. It is possible to choose a address for this if you have a more secure personal email address.


We recommend you complete both of these steps to minimise the chance of disruption.

The Service Desk can provide you with backup codes to regain access to your account if you lose access to your second factor, but we recommend that you create your own set of backup codes to avoid unnecessary load on the Service Desk.