You can review and edit your uploaded your videos before you share them with students in Moodle.
Videos in Panopto are organised into folders, with a Parent folder for each course in Moodle (if Panopto has been enabled). You can create sub-folders within a course parent folder to better organise your recordings. Recordings in a sub-folder, will not automatically be made available in the Panopto block. You will need to add the links to the videos or embed them in the Moodle course sections manually.
My Folder is a personal folder for each user and the contents are not visible to other users. We recommend that you upload videos to My Folder for storage until you've had a chance to review and edit them.
How to access your videos in Panopto
1. From the Panopto desktop recorder
Open Manage Recordings and either click Manage My Recordings or click View next to a particular recording. If you click View, the Panopto video player is launched for that video; click the folder name at the top of the page to open the folder containing the video and access other videos stored in the same folder.
2. From your Moodle course
Locate the Panopto block on the right-hand side and click Course Settings. The Panopto settings for the course folder are displayed. Close the Settings window to view the main Panopto web interface.
3. From CambridgeMoodle
Go to Cambridge Moodle and log in with your Raven credentials if required.
View a recording
To view a recording in Panopto, click the preview image. The Panopto video player is launched in your web browser.
If the recording includes a primary and secondary source, you can swap their positions.
If the recording includes multiple secondary sources, you can choose which to display using the controls at the bottom of the player. It is only possible to display one secondary source at a time.
Edit a recording
The Panopto platform includes a video editor, which allows you to:
- cut sections from the recording
- insert clips from other recordings including YouTube videos
- add a webpage
- add a new source or presentation
- edit the recording metadata
- add captions
To edit a recording:
1. Find the recording in Panopto
2. Move your mouse over the recording; 4 options are displayed. Click the Edit icon.
3. Edit the video as required. If you want to undo the changes you have made, click Revert to discard the changes return to the original video.
4. When you have finished making changes, click Apply.
Additional new features
There are several additional new features introduced to the Panopto editor to enhance your recordings. See the Panopto upgrade guides:
- Audio normalisation
- Deleting video streams from the editor
- Adding a table of contents from text within images (smart chapters)
For more information about editing recordings with Panopto, see the Panopto guidance.