Lecture Capture, the centrally managed service to support teaching and learning activities at the University, provides a consistent, reliable, high-quality lecture recording service. The service encompasses software, equipment, infrastructure, support and training.
If your department or institution wishes to have Lecture Capture installed or to add a space to an existing Lecture Capture provision, please complete the Lecture Capture Request Form, providing as much detail as possible.
The Lecture Capture team will assess the request, taking into consideration how the space is used, the compatibility of the existing infrastructure and the availability of local support, if applicable.
It can take up to 20 weeks to fully assess and decide on an application, depending upon the size and complexity of the request and the timing of the application, but it will usually be much quicker.
How are requests prioritised?
The acceptance and prioritisation of requests will be made by the Lecture Capture Service Manager/owner on a case-by-case basis after discussions with the Lecture Capture Service team, The Blended Learning Service and endorsement by the Programme Board for Educational Spaces (PBES).
The approval and prioritisation of requests include, but are not limited to:
the age of the request. We will try to prioritise requests in the order we receive them, subject to the other factors below
the suitability of the space
if the space is for use by multiple departments. Shared spaces will have a higher priority as they will benefit a wider group of people
existing IT and AV infrastructure and how much additional work and equipment will be required to make the space compatible with the Lecture Capture specification
the size of the space. Generally larger spaces will be a higher priority
access to the space to carry out the installation
future plans for the space
If a department or faculty wishes to appeal a decision this will be directed to PBES.
What happens when a request is approved?
The steps following the approval of an application are typically;
Lecture Capture AV engineers arrange to visit your building(s) and room(s) to design the installation
Lecture Capture AV engineers arrange UIS network installation, if applicable
Lecture Capture AV engineers order equipment, if applicable
Lecture Capture AV engineers schedule the installation at a mutually convenient time with the department/faculty
the department/faculty provides details of any staff responsible for the scheduling and local support of Lecture Capture, unless they are to be centrally managed by agreement
Lecture Capture installation
Lecture Capture Service Team provide training, setup, and support (onboarding) for department or faculty staff
the department or faculty begin scheduling and using Lecture Capture
the Lecture Capture Service Team provide a formal check-up to see how the faculty/department is doing and signs off the installation.
Support moves to a standard helpdesk model for the department or faculty
If you have any queries, please email lecturecapturehelp@uis.cam.ac.uk