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University Information Services

Onboarding for Departmentally Managed Scheduled Lecture Capture

The following information applies to departmentally managed Scheduled Lecture Capture locations only. For Centrally Managed Rooms your department will need to arrange for the recordings to be scheduled by the Student Registry Room Booking team. See Arrange for a lecture to be scheduled for recording for more information.

All Lecture Capture facilities provided to departments are for Scheduled Lecture Capture only. In order to be able to use lecture capture facilities to schedule the recording of lectures within your department, a number of staff will need to be given access and training to schedule recordings for the department.

The process will include setting up accounts, providing support materials, training, and any other advice or guidance required to get you and your department started using Scheduled Lecture Capture.

In order to use the Scheduled Lecture Capture facilities, departmental staff will be required to manage the scheduling of recordings, publishing, distribution and first line support of the facilities. It may be that one member of staff covers multiple lecture capture support roles. The roles that will be required to support lecture capture within the department are as follows;

  • A key contact for lecture capture within the department (please update us if this person changes).
  • A member of staff to support the integration between Moodle and Panopto (eg Moodle Co-ordinator).
  • A member of staff to schedule recordings (at least two recommended).
  • An AV/IT staff member to assist with equipment support.

It is also important that you manage the handover of these responsibilities when staffing in the department changes.

Any users who need to schedule recordings must be enrolled as a Teacher on the Moodle course where the recordings will become available to students so that they have access to the associated Panopto folder.

To begin the onboarding process, you will need to complete a Request for Scheduled Lecture Capture On-boarding service request form which will provide us with the names of the staff members and any other information required. 

Once the Lecture Capture Team receives the Onboarding Request setup of permissions can begin and instructions will be provided to help get you started along with any training required. The process usually takes approximately two weeks. There are further instructions on how to schedule recordings once permissions and access are in place.

It is important to consider the amount of human resource required to oversee the scheduling of departmental lecture capture. Whilst the process of adding a lecture series for recording can take just a few minutes to add to the system, there are other factors such as gathering consent and details of the session and overseeing the management of the content at the end of the academic year that also need to be factored in.

If your department is already using Scheduled Lecture Capture and you simply wish to add or remove a user’s ability to schedule recordings and support SLC then complete the Add or Remove users from Scheduled Lecture Capture Service request form.