The Raven authentication service can be used by any website to authenticate University users, and is easy for webmasters to integrate.
Why use Raven?
The Raven service can be used to authenticate University users by any website. Raven authentication offers several big advantages for University webmasters:
- No additional user admin burden for the webmaster – user data is drawn from the central records on Jackdaw
- Tried and tested solution, in use since 2004
- Easy integration using either the OAuth2 or SAML2 protocols
- Some flavours of Raven can pass additional data about the user to your web server
- Allows your users to connect from outside the UDN – for example, from home
- Uses the CRSids and UIS passwords already familiar to University staff and students.
How can I use Raven?
The Raven service's dedicated documentation site describes how webmasters may use it.
Contact information
General questions and user queries, including questions about Raven accounts, should be addressed to the Service Desk.
Technical enquiries from webmasters about Raven deployment and use can be sent to