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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

These instructions are for new staff joining the Unified Administrative Service (UAS). You can see whether your institution or division is in the UAS.  

Other staff outside the UAS should contact their local IT support department for help getting set up.  

You will see some references to the Administrative Computing Network (ACN). Check with your line manager or local IT team if you will need access to this.  

Checklist of IT set-up tasks when you join the University:

You can also find out about further IT services that are available.


1. Get your IT accounts

Your line manager will give you your Cambridge user ID (CRSid ) and a registration code. You’ll need these to get access to your University IT accounts and to be able to login to your University laptop or desktop.

  1. Go to If you're at the University on your first day, you can do this on your line manager’s or colleague’s computer. If you're starting remotely, you can do this on a personal computer.
  2. Log in with your CRSid and registration code.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions. 
  4. You will be given a temporary password. Write it down as you cannot come back to it later. 


2. Set up your University account password (formerly called Raven) and self-service recovery

Create a new University account password that you can use to access many University-wide systems. You will also be able to add additional contact details so you can reset your password if you forget it, or it gets compromised: 

  1. Go to If you're at the University on your first day, you can do this on your line manager’s or colleague’s computer.  If you're starting remotely, you can do this on a personal computer.
  2. Log in with your CRSid and temporary password.
  3. Change your password. 
  4. Set up self-service password recovery. This allows you to reset your password if you forget it.


3. Set up multi-factor authentication

When you sign into your Microsoft 365 account for the first time, you will need to set up your second authentication. Make sure you set up more than one on different devices to ensure you never lose access to your account. For example, the Microsoft Authenticator mobile app and codes sent via text to your mobile. 

If you're at the University on your first day, you can do this on your line manager’s or colleague’s computer. If you're starting remotely, you can do this on a personal computer.

Set up multi-factor authentication 


4. Set up your new laptop or PC  

If you have a new University Managed Desktop (UMD) Dell laptop running Windows 

Please follow the instructions on how to set up a new Windows laptop

If you have a new University Managed Desktop (UMD) Apple device 

Please follow the instructions on how to set up a new Apple device.   


5. Check your name on Lookup, the University's directory

You can search for University members’ contact information in Lookup. You should check and amend your display name, if needed 

Go to Lookup 


6. Collect your University Card

Your University of Cambridge identity card is used to grant building access. If you lose it or have any problems with it, talk to your institutional Card Representative to get a replacement. 

Find your card rep 


7. Do your cyber security training

Increase your awareness and understanding of the risks of working online. You can also find out what you can do to help mitigate them and protect the University. 

Complete our cyber security awareness training for staff 


Find out about other IT services and training

University Information Services (UIS) offers a range of IT services including phones and video conferencing, Microsoft 365 software and IT training. 

Find out about IT services and training

Get help

Our advisors are available 24 hours a day via live chat for any IT-related queries. You can find the 'Live chat' button at the bottom of the contact us page.