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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

We'll notify you by email with an exact date for the cancellation of your University IT accounts.  


Take action or risk losing your email and files

You must migrate your emails and files before leaving the University. They are automatically deleted 30 days after your account is cancelled. The information below explains what you need to do. 


What happens when you leave 

We'll email you at your @cam email address a month before the date that your University accounts are due to be cancelled.  

This email will include a link to an account extension form if you are eligible to apply for a short extension. You can request this if you need more time to make arrangements before your accounts are closed.

You may need to keep your account because:  

  • you are continuing as a member of staff or as a visitor. Please ask your department or College IT or Admin Office to complete an online registration request for you. 
  • you are becoming a Cambridge student or continuing to another degree or course, without interruption. Please complete the online degree form.   
  • you are continuing to be a supervisor. Please ask the Institution where you are supervising to send email confirmation to Confirmation can come from: 
    • your Director of Studies 
    • a Senior Tutor 
    • a member of the Tutorial Office  
    • a Graduate Administrator 
    • a Course Administrator 


Things to do before you leave 

1. Move your files  

Clear your accounts and download any files stored in Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive. If your colleagues still need access, move your files to shared folders or drives. 

You can follow Microsoft's instructions for transferring files to a personal OneDrive account

For transferring Google files, we suggest using Google Takeout Transfer

You'll lose access to these accounts after you leave. All your emails and files will be permanently deleted from your account 30 days after it is closed. Any files and folders held in Google Drive will be deleted at least 12 months after your account is closed. 

2. Set up an auto-reply for your @cam email address

  1. Set up an automatic reply in the Outlook web app, including an alternative contact email address. The automatic reply will be sent to all internal mail, from an Exchange Online @cam addresses, for 30 days after your account is cancelled.  
  2. Set up automatic forwarding to an alternative email address to direct internal mail during these 30 days. After 30 days, the internal forwarding will stop and the @cam mailbox and its contents will be deleted. 
  3. Set up an auto-reply with a new contact email address in Lookup for anyone emailing you from outside the University. This auto-reply will also be sent to anyone emailing you internally after 30 days.  If you need to change your leaving email address, please email

Please note that the ability to set up auto-replies may change. A new University email address allocation and retention policy is being piloted.  

3. Unsubscribe from mailing lists

Unsubscribe from any mailing lists on Sympa. You need to log in to Sympa and select ‘My lists’ to unsubscribe.  

Please note that you will no longer be able to access the eduroam wifi service after you have left the University.


Additional steps for students 

5. Transfer ownership of any University Society resources

Please remember to transfer any society resources to the person who will look after them next year. 

6. Subscribe to the alumni magazine

To make sure that you receive CAM, the University's alumni magazine, please visit the Alumni website and register your details. You will also find information on the other benefits available to alumni. 

7. Alumni email address

If you're eligible, you should get an email from the Development and Alumni Relations office about setting up an alumni email address. You'll get it around the time you finish your studies. If you have not received an email or cannot find it, please try setting up your alumni email account using the instructions. 

8. Transferring your student email into your alumni account

You can move the contents of your student email account into your alumni account before your student account is closed. Read our Alumni email migration instructions.