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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

This page details recommended processes for University institutions that are considering hosting an embedded partner organisation, and also for connecting an independent partner organisation.

Embedded partner organisations

UIS recommends the following processes for a University institution considering connecting an embedded partner organisation.

1.   Decide on the suitability of the partner organisation

The potential host University institution should consider the following factors before deciding to connect a partner organisation:

1.1.   Is the University institution prepared to be responsible for the network use of the partner organisation, including all sanctions that could be applied in the event of a security incident?

1.2.   Does connecting the partner organisation introduce any risks to the institution, or the wider University?  These could be cyber-security or reputational risks.


2.   Determine alignment with the University’s mission

The potential host University institution must decide whether the partner organisation is furthering the University’s mission.

2.1.   If yes, then the partner organisation may use Janet.

2.2.   If no, then the partner organisation cannot use Janet, but may instead use a commercial ISP service.


3.   Determine if State Aid applies

Does providing Janet access confer a commercial advantage to the partner organisation? Will it use the University location (and Janet service) to pursue other commercial activities unrelated to the University’s mission? (For example, it provides commercial services to other non-University organisations from the University location.)

3.1.   If yes, the host institution decides how to mitigate this (with a potential service charge).

3.2.   If no, proceed.


 4.   Institutional IT staff configure infrastructure.

4.1.   A specific subnet and VLAN is assigned for the sole use of the partner organisation.

4.2.   Establish a process for responding to any actions in contravention to the University or Janet acceptable use policy.

4.3.   If required, places access controls between the partner organisation and the institional IT infrastructure/services.


Independent partner organisations

UIS recommends the following process for connecting an independent partner organisation. 

1.   UIS receives instruction from the University on whether the partner organisation is eligible for Janet access or the commercial ISP service.

2.   UIS receives instruction from the University on whether the partner organisation should be charged the commercial CUDN POP service charge to mitigate State Aid issues.

3.   UIS liaises directly with the partner organisation in providing IT services. These can include:

  • Wireless
  • Telephones
  • GBN
  • Firewalls
  • IP subnets and domain names

4.   UIS establishes with the partner organisation key contacts for IT support, billing and acceptable use policy violations.