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University Information Services

How to create Collections of your Media Items on the Streaming Media Service

Creating collections

Audio and video material is organised into collections, each of which is affiliated to a University institution and can contain any number of items.

  • To create a collection, go to the upload site at , authenticate with Raven and select the 'Create collection' link to the right of the screen.

When you name a new collection choose a meaningful name that will outlive your first immediate need for a collection.

  • You should select from the pop-down list the Institution you are affiliating the collection with.
  • Add an editors group for the collection (you will be offered the list of Lookup groups that you already belong to - if none are suitable then see 'Using Lookup to create and control groups' for more information), and then a description of what is contained in the collection.
  • If you wish you can add an image to be associated with the collection (used on the collections listing page and inherited by the media items within the collection unless they already have their own image). The two buttons on the collection screen allow you to either upload your own image or use one from the selection of stock images.
  • If you wish to add existing Media Items to your collection enter their ID in the Add media box and click Add. The positioning of these items can then be moved up and down the list using the buttons at the side.
    • Media item IDs are given at the end of their URL on the SMS.
  • Last thing is to select 'Create' and the process will be complete.

Creating media items

Now that you have a collection in which to store your items, you can upload media items.

  • To add a media item, go to the upload site at, authenticate with Raven and and select the 'Create media' link to the right of the screen.
  • Enter an appropriate title, bearing in mind this is the most prominent data displayed about this media item.
  • Add the media item to a collection by choosing one of your collections from the drop-down list, then add a suitable short description of what the media item represents.
  • The 'Abstract' field allows you to add a longer summary of the media, and you can also add keywords that would be useful in searches.
  • From the pop-down list, choose the language used in the media.
  • If you are not supplying the text that is spoken in the media elsewhere, you should add a transcript so that those who cannot hear the media can benefit from the text. If you plan to embed the media in a web page with full information about the content you would not need to do this.
  • You must add a publisher (this defaults to 'University of Cambridge') and the copyright holder (which defaults to the person uploading the media). You can choose to make the media available only to Raven users (ideal for lectures for which you want to restrict the audience).
  • Choose whether you want the uploaded file archived in DSpace. If the item is to be available for the longterm then archiving it will allow generation of new formats in the future.
  • You can add credits for a variety of roles, which can be reached by using the pop-down menu and filling in the field next to the role.
  • If you wish you can add an image (otherwise it will inherit the image chosen for the collection). This image will be added to the rss feed for this collection, so may be seen in other contexts. The two buttons on the collection screen allow you to either upload your own image or use one from the selection of stock images.
  • Select 'Next' and then 'Upload'. Before uploading starts you need to be sure you have collected permissions for anyone appearing in the media item and obtained copyright permissions - there are links on the upload page to all of the documents you need to read. By checking that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions you assume responsibility. Select 'Next' to continue.
  • Select whether you are uploading an audio or video file, then select 'Next'.
  • If you are uploading video, you are then asked to select either the aspect ratio of your video, or that it is a screencast. If you are in doubt, select the default, then select 'Next'.
  • You can then select the desired formats, if you wish, otherwise accept the defaults, then select 'Next'.
  • If asked you will need to accept the Java upload applet to allow the upload process to continue and then select the file you want to upload, then select 'Next'. When the upload process starts you will need to leave your browser window open until it has completed.

Last updated: January 2017