University login required to watch the video.
- Log in to the University Card Management System.
- Open the Cardholder's record (instructions).
- Click Upload New Photo.
- Browse to the photo file and click Open.
The system automatically rotates and crops the photo for you.
- You will now see the new photo in the Card preview.
- The Card Office will review the photo and approve or reject it, usually by the next working day – faster if it's not the start of term.
If it is rejected, you will get an email to alert you.
- New undergraduates' photos: photos for new undergraduates' Cards are automatically pulled from CamSIS so you do not need to do anything.
- New staff photos: you will need to upload a photo for a staff member's first card.
- Photo acceptance criteria: the University has adopted the Passport Office's standards for new identity photos.
See: Identity photo specification.
- Review process: You can upload a photo either before or after creating the Card request. The Card Office will manually review and approve photos. If the photo does not meet the criteria and is rejected, you will get an email to alert you that another photo is needed. Card requests can't proceed until the photo has been approved.