Students of staff may have people from their household living with them in University accommodation that need wifi services. We recommend they use the guest services we provide by connecting to UniOfCam-Guest. UniOfCam-Guest is content filtered and therefore more suitable for use by minors.
Household members may also use eduroam, but non-family members and guests must continue to use UniOfCam-Guest.
eduroam and household members
If household members use eduroam it's important to remember that:
- The University member concerned is responsible for any additional tokens created for your household's devices.
- There is no content filtering whilst connected to eduroam or other wifi services provided by the University (except UniOfCam-Guest). This includes not restricting access to websites containing adult content or inappropriate material.
- Any misuse whilst connected to eduroam, via an additional token, will be the responsibility of the person (CRSid) with which the token is associated.
- Your household's access must be suitably supervised.
Usage policies
We strongly advise that you read the Authorised Use of the CUDN, and specifically point 8.5 where you are requested to share the Authorised Use of the CUDN and the JANET Acceptable Use Policy with your household:
- It is the responsibility of the institution, organisation or person for whom the CUDN connection is provided to take reasonable steps to ensure compliance with the conditions of use and to ensure that unacceptable use of the CUDN does not occur.
- The discharge of this responsibility must include making the documents Authorised Use of the CUDN and JANET Acceptable Use Policy known to those who use that CUDN connection.