Departments with Scheduled Lecture Capture (SLC) facilities are receiving requests from other departments wishing to schedule recordings for their timetabled lectures. Currently, only the host and their schedulers (admins) can access the departmental remote recorders to schedule recordings. As a temporary measure, this guide provides an overview of the scheduling options available to the host, how a guest department may request shared access and the implications and limitations of sharing access.
Requests for shared Lecture Capture (LC) facilities will be monitored to ensure that they do not exceed service resources for manually managing the access and the change requests. If necessary, a cap on the number of requestors per facility will be applied.
There are 2 options to schedule lecture recordings in shared facilities:
The host of the LC facility can schedule recordings on behalf of the guest department
The host can grant permission for the Lecture Capture service to give the guest department Creator access. This will allow them to schedule their own recordings using the host’s remote recorder/s.
If you receive a request from another department to share lecture capture facilities, please review this guide and determine which scheduling option to offer.
You may offer to:
- Schedule recordings on their behalf - you will need to request the guest department to add your Panopto scheduler/s to their Moodle courses with a ‘Teacher’ or ‘Non-enrolling teacher’ role. This will provide you with access to their Panopto course folders which you can then use to schedule recording on their behalf.
- Allow the guest department to schedule their own recordings - you will need to email lecturecapturehelp@uis.cam.ac.uk granting scheduling access to your remote recorder/s.
Your request, copying in the guest department contact, should include:
- name of the guest scheduler/s
- guest department name
- the room/s and recorder/s that you would like the guest department to have access to for scheduling
The lecture capture team will give the guest department scheduling access to your remote recorder/s.
If you are uncertain about which option to offer or if you have any questions, please contact the lecture capture help desk. One of our team will walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.
Guest Departments
You must complete the LC onboarding process before requesting access to share LC facilities. Please refer to the following documents:
- How to use Panopto for lecture capture and educational videos (See section 2)
- Request for Scheduled Lecture Capture Onboarding
Before you request recording access you must ensure that the Panopto block has been added to your Moodle courses and they have been provisioned
You and the host must review, understand, and agree to the terms of use before they can schedule lecture recordings on your behalf or grant you scheduling access.
Request shared scheduling access to LC facilities
The process for requesting shared access is outlined below:
You must complete the LC onboarding process before making an access request
You should make an access request by email to the host department
Upon considering the implications and limitations of sharing LC facilities, the host will make an informed decision on whether to:
Option 1: schedule the recordings on your behalf or
Option 2: allow you scheduling access to their remote recorder/s to schedule recordings for yourselves. -
If the host offers you option 1, there is no need to contact lecture capture support.
If the host offers you option 2, the host must email lecturecapturehelp@uis.cam.ac.uk to grant shared access to their remote recorder/s
A member of the LC team will contact you and the host regarding the shared access request and give you Creator access to the required remote recorder/s
Shared Access
If the host offers option 1, to schedule recordings on behalf of the requestor:
- You will need to enrol the host scheduler(s) onto the Moodle course(s) with a 'Teacher' or a 'Non-enrolling Teacher' role. This will enable the host to select the Panopto course folder as a destination folder when scheduling recordings for you
- You must provide scheduling details and accompanying Panopto information, in the requested format, of all lectures timetabled in the shared facility for the host to schedule the recordings.
- You will not be able to make changes to the scheduled recordings yourself. You will need to inform the host of any changes to the scheduled recordings. This may include changes to the:
- primary remote recorder (change of room)
- date
- start time
- end time
- enable/disable Webcast
- If you have Creator access, you will be able to edit some settings through the course folder. Please refer to the table below for details:
Settings for scheduled recordings Host department Guest department Name Yes Yes Folder Yes Yes Preview image Yes Yes Discussion Yes Yes Downloads Yes Yes Description Yes Yes Share Yes Yes Edit Yes Yes Record in Capture Yes No Record in Panopto for Windows Yes No Scheduled recording
- Primary remote recorder
- Secondary remote recorder
- Date
- Start time
- End time
- Webcast session
Yes No Quality settings Yes Yes Availability Yes Yes - If you have Creator access, you will have permission to delete and move scheduled recordings from one destination folder to another.
If the host offers option 2, grants access to their remote recorder:
The Lecture Capture team will give your schedulers Creator access to manually schedule your recording/s once both parties have read and understood the guide and agreed to the terms and conditions for sharing LC facilities. We will do this by adding the host's remote recorder to your Notification user group in Panopto.
Once access to the remote recorder/s is given, your schedulers will:
be able to schedule recordings using the host's remote recorder
be able to verify scheduled recordings via the Panopto course folder or using the scheduled tab in the Panopto dashboard
have permission to view the scheduled recordings but won’t be able to see the names of the recordings that others have scheduled
have access to edit, and delete your scheduled recordings through the Panopto course folder, not the shared remote recorder
They will not:
have access to the remote recorder to edit scheduled recordings
receive notifications from the remote recorder that belongs to the host
be able to delete scheduled recordings through the remote recorder
have access to the host’s remote recorder configuration settings
The lecture capture team must be informed of any changes to the shared access so they can update the system accordingly.
LC facilities sharing implications and guidance
It is important that all parties are aware of the implications and guidance for sharing LC facilities for scheduled recordings:
If option 2 is granted by the host, the guest department's Lecture Capture schedulers will be able to schedule recordings for the facilities in question
Anyone who has access to schedule recordings in the facility could accidentally overwrite/delete another department's recordings
Anyone who has access to schedule recordings in the facility (including guest departments) could knowingly or otherwise record Lectures and/or events in the facility without the presenter's consent/knowledge
Panopto will alert the schedulers if any scheduled recordings clash or overlap. The scheduler will then have to change the scheduling date/time to ensure it does not conflict with any existing scheduled recordings.
Guest departments will not receive notifications if a recording is going to or has failed.
Schedulers with admin access to remote recorders may accidentally edit or delete the requestor’s scheduled recordings. They can also start scheduled recording earlier by selecting the ‘Start now’ option through the remote recorder which will cancel the scheduled recording and record whatever is being presented in the room.
Changes to scheduled recordings should be made through the course folder and not the remote recorder to reduce the risk of accidental changes.
If a lecture is cancelled the scheduled recording of the lecture should be deleted to prevent the recording of timetabled activities that may replace the cancelled lecture. Failure to do so may breach privacy and GDPR.
All schedulers with Admin access to the remote recorders must inform the schedulers with Creator access from guest departments of any issues with the remote recorders, equipment, etc. to minimise the risk of scheduled recordings not being completed.
Centrally managed lecture theatres and West Hub rooms
It is not possible to request access to schedule your own recordings in a centrally managed lecture theatre. This is due to the complexity of managing access rights within Panopto for large numbers of venue users.
Your department will need to arrange for the recordings to be scheduled by the Student Registry Room Booking team.
For further information regarding scheduling recordings for centrally managed lecture theatres and the West Hub rooms contact the Student Registry.
Terms and conditions for sharing LC facilities
All parties must review and understand the implications and guidance above and agree to the following:
All parties must ensure that their lectures don't overrun, particularly when there are back-to-back recordings scheduled and must vacate the shared LC facility on time for the next lecture and recording to begin. If the lecture overruns, recordings could take place where consent has not been provided.
Any overlapped recordings of lectures must be managed between the host and guest departments.
The Lecture Capture Service cannot be held accountable for any issues arising regarding privacy and GDPR because of the shared access provided.
All scheduling staff with access will be notified of the above and if any concerns are raised, we will not be able to provide access for the guest department(s) to record in the facility.
Changes to shared access
The host or the requestor must inform the LC team of any changes to the shared access so the system can be updated accordingly.
If you have any queries or require further information on sharing LC facilities for scheduling lectures, please email lecturecapturehelp@uis.cam.ac.uk