You can arrange for a lecture to be scheduled for recording via your department teaching administrator.
If the Scheduled Lecture Capture location is departmentally managed, recordings will be scheduled within the department by staff who have been provided with access and training to do so. If the Scheduled Lecture Capture location is a centrally managed, your department teaching administrator will contact the Student Registry Room Booking team to arrange for the lecture to be scheduled.
Scheduled Lecture Capture (SLC) enables lectures to be recorded on specified dates and times, for specified durations and to automatically record to specified Panopto folders. Recordings cannot be started manually.
Lectures can be scheduled for recording in centrally managed or departmentally managed spaces.
View the list of rooms where Scheduled Lecture Capture, indicated by (SLC), is available.
Lecture Capture equipment can vary from room to room, but a typical setup consists of;
- recording for audio from a microphone - usually for the lecturer
- recording of projector output (e.g., a digital projector showing a PowerPoint presentation)
- recording of video camera focussed on the presentation lecturn
- recording of other inputs to the computer - such as visualisers etc.
Contact your department teaching administrator to arrange scheduled lecture capture.