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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

This guide is aimed at new users of single-user configured UMD Windows devices. There are some simple steps to help you get set up as quickly as possible. During the initial setup you will connect the device to a wifi network and proceed through the Setup Assistant, configuring the device to your desired state. 

Initial setup

  1. Unpack your device and power on. The device will then start setting up.

  2. If prompted to connect to a network select a University network, or if at home your home wifi.

  3. When setup is complete login to your device with your email address and University account password (formerly Raven).

    If you are transferring to another division within professional services, you must change your password after logging in. This updates your account permissions. Before you do this, make sure you're connected to the network using a cable or docking station. Go to the password management app, and log in to change your password. Log out of your new UMD device and wait 30 minutes before logging back in with your new password.

  4. Open the Company Portal app from the Start menu. This may take up to 5 minutes to appear. Choose your institution, and download any software you require.

After initial setup

Accessing your data

  • You will have the OneDrive app on your UMD device.
  • You will have the Z:\ as your mapped drive. Here you will find drives such as R and J.

Office working

  • Set up your eduroam wifi
  • It’s recommended to set up eduroam for your device. Once setup you’ll have access to free and fast wifi across virtually all University buildings and some open spaces in Cambridge.

Remote working


  • Choose and connect to your home or local wifi network.


  • Add your windows credentials
    • ‘Credential Manager’ -> ‘Windows Credentials’ -> ‘Add a Windows credential’
    • Internet or work address: ‘’
    • Username: Your CRSid
    • Password: Your Raven password.

Self-service applications

Additional steps


Get help

  • If you have and additional questions or feedback please contact the UIS Service Desk
  • Please quote the asset tag number on your device.