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University Information Services


Latest news – July 2023

The Information Services Committee (ISC) received another draft of the policy at its meeting of 23 May 2023. This draft addressed comments received during the period of engagement with the Cambridge community on the draft policy received by the ISC in March 2023. More information on this is included in the last update.
This second iteration of the draft policy was endorsed by the Colleges’ IT Committee on 17 May 2023 and by the ISC on 23 May 2023. The General Board and the University Council considered the draft policy at their respective meetings of 7 and 19 June 2023. Both committees approved the policy, at the recommendation of the ISC, for a trial year in the first instance.
The policy will now be piloted with a small sample of volunteer institutions in the academic year 2023–24. This will allow further testing and refinement before any wider implementation. The ISC will review the policy in the light of the trial, and the experiences of the participating institutions, in spring 2024. It will then recommend any changes to the General Board and Council.

We will continue to provide updates on how the policy is developing during the trial year on these pages.