Before you start
Make sure you are on a supported version of macOS. We support macOS 13 (Ventura), macOS 14 (Sonoma) and macOS 15 (Sequoia).
Install Print Deploy Client
1. Connect your computer to the University network via a wired connection or the VPN. You cannot download the install file unless you're on the network. Download and install the Print Deploy Client (37MB). Do not rename the downloaded file.
2. Sign in with your University IT account (formerly Raven) when prompted. If you are a University Library reader sign in with your library account details. Use followed by your password. You will also need to use multi-factor authentication for security.
If the authentication window doesn't appear select the green Print Deploy icon, in the top right menu bar. Then select "View my printers."
3. After signing in, some printers may install automatically. These are printers managed by your local institution.
4. The DS-Print_FindMe printer defaults to print to Sharp and Konica printers. This is only in institutions that use the Common Balance credit scheme. Use these printers if you want to pay for your printing using the Common Balance.
5. Install an institutional printer from the list to pay with your Local Balance. Institutional printers will debit from the institutional Local Balance. If your Local Balance runs out, you will be debited on your Common Balance. This only applies if the institution also uses the Common Balance.
Install additional printers
To search for and install more printers, select the "Add printers" tab in the left menu.
To add or remove printers select the green Print Deploy icon located in the top right menu bar. Then select “View my printers”.