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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

What is GitLab?

GitLab is a tool to enable the agile sharing, development, planning, delivery and monitoring of services. It provides integrations with a variety of standalone development applications. UIS offers Gitlab Ultimate/Gold self-hosted on UIS systems.   

Find out more about the development lifecycle with GitLab.

What does GitLab cost?

UIS's GitLab service is available free of charge to all University of Cambridge users with a University account

How do I get GitLab?

Any current member of the University with a University account can access the UIS's Developer Hub. Choose the 'sign in with University Account' option on the Developer Hub login page.

Different types of account are available:

  • User accounts: These are how project contributors will normally access GitLab. They are created on-the-fly at first University Account login.
  • Administrator accounts: These are available for those who need administrative rights over Projects and Groups. Administrative accounts are available in addition to personal accounts on request. If you administer one or more groups, you can request an administrator account by opening an issue in the GitLab support project.
  • External accounts: These are available to people who do not have a University account. They are issued on a discretionary basis. You can request one by opening an issue in the GitLab support project
  • Robot accounts: These are for use with continuous integration and deployment systems that require direct API access and for which deploy keys do not suffice. They are not intended for use by individuals. They are always configured with the same permissions as external accounts and must have a valid role email address associated with them.

What sort of data can I store in GitLab?

Up to and including Level 2 data as defined by the University data security classification. All data is backed up, and regular snapshots are taken.


Maintenance window for GitLab

We update our GitLab code base several times a week. Find out more on the vulnerable periods page.


Find out more

GitLab provides extensive documentation about setup, configuration and deployment. The UIS GitLab Wiki is another useful source of information that includes Cambridge-specific information.