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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

The Booker Mobile App makes booking rooms on campus easy.

Key features

  • Real-time room availability: easily check room availability and book rooms on the go.

  • User-friendly interface: easy to use and intuitive 

  • In-app notifications: receive notifications about upcoming bookings, room changes, or cancellations.

  • Room details and resources: access information about room size, facilities, and available resources. For example, if the room has a projector.

How to access

You can download the app for iOS and Android devices. Find it in the App Store and Google Play by searching for "Optime App". 

Visit our mobile app help page for instructions on how to set up your account and make bookings. 

Future improvements

For all users

We're planning to add calendar integration. This will let users sync their bookings in Booker with their personal calendar.

For Department Managers

We're planning to add enhanced app functionality for Department Managers. They will be able to approve or decline room booking requests directly from the app. We'll email Department Managers to let them know once this is live.

Get help

If you have any questions please contact