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You can view, search and filter for declarations within the Declaration of Interests app. We only recommend exporting an Excel version of the full register if required for a committee or group meeting.

If you decide to export the data to a spreadsheet, make sure you follow the University's cyber security guidance on storing and sharing personal data.

  1. If you have reviewer permissions for more than one committee or group, select the relevant row in the table to select that committee or group. Its name will appear in the box below, along with 'Review', 'View Register' and 'Manage Membership' options.


    Declaration of Interests app homepage with 'University Council' committee selected in the table listing all the committees

  2. Select the 'View Register' button.

    You will then see a list of members and declarers.


  3. Select the 'Export to Excel' button at the top left of the window.


  4. Select 'Allow' to confirm the download.