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  1. In the Microsoft Teams app, select the UoC_Declaration of Interests Reviewers team.
    To find this, select the Teams icon in the left-hand toolbar and select All teams at the top left to show all your Teams and you should see it:
  2. Select the DoI committees report tab from the top toolbar.
    This is a live report summarizing the information about your committee/School. It only shows you the registers for which you are a reviewer. If you are a reviewer of more than one committee/School, you can select these using the drop-down menu within the report.
    If you can't see your report(s), please contact
  3. Drill down to see all the information on a specific individual by right-clicking on one of their entries and selecting Drill through > Declarer details:

Exporting the register data

You can export the register to a spreadsheet.

Take great care where you store, and how you share, these files because they contain sensitive information.
  1. Move your mouse cursor to the top right of the register to reveal a toolbar.
  2. Click the More menu ()
  3. Select Export data from the pop-up menu to download the file to your computer:


Help and support

  • Click the Support tab in the top toolbar for a shortcut to the help web pages:
  • You can post questions in the General channel that will be seen by ALL reviewers.
  • For confidential queries, please contact directly.