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IT Help and Support

University Information Services

Settings for using Hermes with Outlook 2013/16 for Windows.


Attention Windows 7 users

Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 7 on 14 January 2020, and will no longer supply any security updates for the operating system.

We recommend that all users upgrade to Windows 10 as soon as possible to avoid the risk of their devices becoming increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks.

 Microsoft's FAQ on upgrading to Windows 10

 For IT staff: Windows 10 upgrade for institutionally owned machines


If you would also like to be able to look up Cambridge email addresses automatically, please see the page on configuring Outlook 2013 to use the University LDAP Directory. Do this after you have set up access to Hermes.

Warning: We advise you not to use the Outlook wizard to preconfigure your Hermes settings. This often doesn't work.

After you have started up Outlook choose:

  • File > Account and Social Network Settings > Account and then the Email tab.
  • Select New.
  • Under Choose Service select E-mail Account.
  • Complete the Your Name details. At the e-mail address prompt give your address (e.g. Ignore the requests for a password at this stage.
  • At the bottom of the pane select Manual setup or additional server types and then select Next
  • On the next screen - Choose Service POP or IMAP and then select Next
  • Change the Account Type from POP3 to IMAP.
  • Set the Incoming Mail Server to:
  • Set the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) to:
  • Do NOT tick 'Require logon using Secure password Authentication'.
  • For User Name, enter your CRSid (e.g. xyz789 and then select the button labelled More settings.
  • Select the Outgoing Server tab. Make sure that both My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication and Use same settings as my incoming mail server are selected.
  • Finally choose the Advanced tab.
    • Under the Use the following type of encrypted connection choose TLS for both IMAP and SMTP settings
    • Change the number for Outgoing server (SMTP) to 587

    then select OK.

  • Select Next. You should be see a logon screen and be prompted for your password. At the bottom of the pane you will see:

    Log onto incoming mail server (IMAP)
    Send test e-mail message

    When both of these lines show a green tick on the left-hand on the left-hand side of the pane and 'Completed' on the right you have successfully setup your account.

  • Select Finish.



It is possible to use folders and subfolders on Hermes. However, note that you can not create subfolders under INBOX.

I can't see any of my subfolders in Outlook

See: Choose which IMAP account folders appear in Outlook

I used the wizard and my Hermes settings don't work

If you have used the wizard, and your Hermes settings do not work, you will need to delete the failed Hermes account settings before trying again. This isn't entirely simple. Unlike previous Outlook versions you must have a default data file otherwise, if you try to remove the account, you will get an error message of the type The default data file cannot be removed, because it is your default delivery location.

If this is the case then, to delete the Hermes account settings, you will have to first set another data file as default, since Outlook cannot operate without a default data file.

In Outlook, click on File -> Account Settings then the Data Files tab. Select another data file and select Set As Default.

If there are no other data files to make as default, add a new data file to Outlook and then make it as default. In Outlook, select File > Account Settings then select Data Files tab. Select Add type in a name for the data file in the File Name box then select OK.