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University Information Services

Web access to the Google Apps @ Cambridge service is by Raven authentication, non-web based access is by dedicated token. Google Apps @ Cambridge accounts are available to current staff, students and accredited visitors to the University only.

On your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Google Apps @ Cambridge service certain information is passed to Google by University Information Services (UIS) to enable Google to create your Google Apps @ Cambridge account. This is:

  • Your CRSid
  • Your name, as it is registered in the user administration database.

This information, alongside any other personal data you subsequently choose to add to your Google Apps @ Cambridge account is held by Google on behalf of Information Services and may only be processed by Google to enable it to provide you with the Google Apps @ Cambridge service.

Google provide an 'Admin Console' that enables Information Services to administer individual accounts. This makes the following personal information available to members of UIS staff involved in the adminstration of the Google Apps @ Cambridge service:

  • Your name, as it is registered in the user administration database.
  • Your user name. This is in the form [CRSid]
  • The date and time of your last authentication to the service.
  • Your contact sharing setting.
  • Whether your account is currently active or suspended.

Designated UIS staff act as administrators for this service. They may use adminstrative privileges to access your account with your permission.

In addition to this Information Services records personal data about you and your use of the service which are necessary for the provision of the service. These are:

  • Your name, as it is registered in the User Administration database
  • Your CRSid.
  • The date and time of your account creation.
  • The date and time of your agreement to the terms & conditions of service.
  • IP address of apparent client used to agree the terms & conditions of service.
  • If applicable, the date and time of account supension currently in force.
  • If applicable, the date and time of account cancellation.

Other data about your use of the service is held in logs. Log files are created and retained to enable UIS to operate this service, identify and resolve problems as well as for anonymised statsitical analysis and usage figures which may be included in publications such as the UIS Annual Report. The following data is routinely logged:

  • The date, time, CRSid, and outcome of each authentication request.
  • The date, time, CRSid, and outcome of each token request.
  • The date, time, CRSid, and outcome of each token reset request.
  • The date, time and CRSid of each account cancellation or resurrection.
  • The date, time and CRSid of each account deletion.

Logging of additional data may be enabled temporarily from time to time for specific purposes. Relevant subsets of logs may be passed to computer security teams as part of investigations of computer misuse involving this site or other computing equipment in the University. Data may be passed to the administrators of other computer systems to enable investigation of problems accessing this site or of system misconfigurations.

Logs are retained for 90 days.


Last reviewed: 4 September 2015